Could Careline support you or a loved one?
We currently help around 7,000 customers to live independently in their own home, whether they're an owner occupier or tenant. We offer a 24 hour, 365 day a year community alarm service.
Careline can provide help to people of all ages, people with disabilities or long term illnesses, those experiencing domestic abuse**, or even if you just want extra reassurance. There are a few different services we provide, such as:
- Careline 24/7 Monitoring
- Careline 24/7 Monitoring and emergency response
- Careline (as above) and Telecare
- Careline "I’m OK" unit
We can also help if you are discharged from hospital. In this situation we usually provide the Careline service free of charge for four weeks. **For Careline customers experiencing domestic abuse, we'll supply a unit that doesn't make a sound when dialed and we'll have notes on our system to ensure we're able to respond to the situation accordingly.
We offer a monitoring only (Level 1) Careline service for customers experiencing domestic abuse. This means that our Careline agents can't attend to domestic abuse incidents in-person; however, they'll respond by calling emergency services such as the police and will discreetly monitor and record the call for as long as necessary.