What to do if you feel you need home adaptations or equipment to support your independence

We can provide help and guidance with disabled facilities, grants, and adaptations:

We aim to enable customers to continue to live independently in their own homes by providing equipment and making modifications that meet their needs.

The process for getting support with assessments, adaptations, and equipment for disabilities varies depending on whether you're a:

  • Bolton at Home tenant living in Bolton.
  • Bolton at Home tenant living outside of Bolton.
  • Bolton resident living in a property that you own or rent from another housing association or private landlord.

Tap on the tabs below to learn more about how you can get help with home adaptations depending on your situation.

How to get support with home adaptations and equipment if you're a Bolton at Home tenant living in Bolton

If you’re a Bolton at Home tenant and you live in Bolton, we (Bolton at Home) can help with disabled facilities adaptations:

We'll look to support you to live independently following an assessment and referral from an Occupational Therapist (OT). If you feel you could benefit from adaptations or equipment to support your independence, please contact Bolton Council's Independent Living Service first to request an assessment by an Occupational Therapist.

You can contact Bolton Council's Independent Living Service on 01204 337020 to request an assessment by an Occupational Therapist. For more information on Bolton Council's Independent Living Service, tap here.

Based on the Occupational Therapist's assessment, they'll make a recommendation to us (Bolton at Home) via a 'referral pathway'. This could result in either minor or major adaptations being provided - or both in some cases.

You can speak with us (Bolton at Home) if you need more information on adaptations or aren't sure:

We're here to help. You can get more information on the adaptations process by calling our Disabled Adaptations Team on 01204 328177 or by emailing disabledadaptations@boltonathome.org.uk.

How to get support with home adaptations and equipment if you're a Bolton at Home tenant living outside of Bolton

If you’re a Bolton at Home tenant and live outside of Bolton, your local authority is usually responsible for home adaptations:

Each local authority usually has a team for home adaptations and assessments. How they work will vary, from how long you’ll have to wait, to how much funding is available.

You can tap here to find your local authority/council on the gov.uk website.

How to get support with home adaptations and equipment if you're a Bolton resident living in a property that you own or rent from another housing association or private landlord

Bolton Care and Repair logo

Bolton Care and Repair is Bolton Council’s Home Improvement Agency that is delivered in partnership with us (Bolton at Home). The service is here to help older and vulnerable residents to live independently in safe, warm, secure, well maintained, and adapted homes.

Please note that this service is only available if you're a Bolton resident living in a property that you own or rent from another housing association (not Bolton at Home) or private landlord. If you're a Bolton at Home tenant and would like information on how to access home adaptations and equipment, please tap here.

Bolton Care and Repair can provide general advice, right through to supporting and assisting you through the grant process to adapt or improve your home. We’ll discuss your needs and provide you with a range of options available to you.

Tap here to visit the Bolton Care and Repair website for more details of all the services we provide.

For more information about any of the services available through Bolton Care and Repair, or to refer yourself or someone you know to our service, you can:

You can also write to:

Bolton Care and Repair,
Bolton at Home,
98 Waters Meeting Road,
Bolton, BL1 8SW.