Call us
01204 328000
8am to 5.30pm Mon - Fri
You can still report emergency repairs while we’re closed using our out of hours phoneline, which you can call using the same number.
Please note: we’re making some changes to our IT systems including putting much of the information about your home and tenancy in one place, so we can assist you more quickly. While we get ready for this upgrade, you might notice some delays when you contact us. We’re working hard to keep any delays short, and we’ll still be here to help with any urgent issues. We appreciate your patience as we make these improvements.
Use our webchat
Our staff are here to help from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday if you need us- and you can send your messages in another language thanks to our built-in translation feature.
Just tap the ‘Chat with us’ button at the bottom of your screen and we’ll be with you as soon as possible.
Email us*
*Please note: we ask that you report all repairs over the phone as we may need to take information from you, and/or confirm an appointment. To speak with a member of our team please call 01204 328000.
For all other queries please provide your name, address, and contact number along with a brief summary of your query. This will help us to resolve your enquiry or signpost to the relevant team.
Message us on Facebook
Available 8am to 5.30pm, Mon - Fri
Click here to message us on Facebook (opens in a new tab)
Visit our Valley House reception (open Monday to Thursday)
98 Waters Meeting Road
8.45am to 4pm, Monday - Thursday