1. Home

  2. We can help

    1. Apply for a home
      1. Apply for a home in Bolton
      2. Apply for a home in Bury
      3. Apply for a home in Cheshire
      4. Apply for a home in High Peak
      5. Apply for a home in Manchester
      6. Apply for a home in Oldham
      7. Apply for a home in Rochdale
      8. Apply for a home in Salford
      9. Apply for a home in Trafford
      10. Apply for a home in Tameside
    2. Mutual exchanges
    3. Housing Options for Older People (HOOP)
    4. Housing advice for patients experiencing a Delayed Transfer of Care (DTOC)
    5. Ways we can support you to live independently
      1. Home adaptations and equipment to support your independence (including disabled adaptations)
      2. Bolton Care and Repair service
      3. Our sheltered, extra care, and independent living schemes
      4. Careline: support to live independently 24/7, 365 days a year
        1. Careline wristband
        2. Bolton Carers Support
    6. Ways we can support you into work or training
      1. Work experience opportunities for adults
      2. Working Wardrobe
    7. Cost of living support
      1. Affordable recipes
      2. Healthy home living during colder weather
        1. Keeping you and your loved ones warm and healthy in colder weather
      3. Find social activities and support in Bolton (warm spaces)
      4. Food support
      5. Lowering your household bills - gas, electric & water
        1. Bills and meter reading
        2. How to use your heating controls
        3. Prepayment meters
        4. Saving money on water bills
        5. Gas and electricity debt
      6. Get free advice to lower your energy bills
        1. Tom and Asif's top energy-saving tips videos
    8. UCAN centres
    9. Safeguarding: what to do if you're worried about yourself or someone else
    10. Domestic abuse and violence
    11. Tackling antisocial behaviour
      1. Report antisocial behaviour to us
    12. Being a good neighbour
    13. Support for neighbours in dispute (Neighbourhood Mediation)
    14. Landlord services
    15. Support for Armed Forces Veterans
  3. Tenancy

    1. Tenancy frequently asked questions (FAQs)
    2. Assigning a tenancy to someone else (assignment)
    3. Affordable carpet and furniture options
      1. Donating or recycling furniture
    4. Commercial units
      1. Rent a commercial unit
      2. Information for current commercial unit leaseholders
    5. Ending a tenancy
    6. Ending a tenancy due to bereavement
    7. Succeeding to a tenancy after a bereavement (succession)
    8. Home contents insurance
    9. Keeping your home secure
    10. Taking in lodgers
    11. Pre offer interview
    12. Moving in tips
    13. Pets
    14. Preparing for a Bolton at Home property
    15. Running a business from your home
    16. Tenancy fraud
    17. Tenancy support
    18. Useful information for new tenants
  4. Be involved

    1. Group Customer Scrutiny Panel
    2. Youth Scrutiny Panel
    3. Resident Voices Channel
  5. About

    1. A warm welcome to former Arcon Housing Association tenants
    2. Merger of Bolton at Home and Arcon into one organisation
    3. Our performance
    4. Cookies notice
    5. Equality and diversity
      1. Equality analysis
    6. Greenworks
    7. Governance and regulation
      1. Group Operations Committee
      2. Bolton at Home Group Board
      3. Group Audit and Risk Committee
      4. Group Development Committee
      5. Group HR Committee
      6. Group Governance Committee
      7. Meet our management team
    8. Expenditure reports
    9. Insurance
    10. Managing our business
    11. Our policies and strategies
    12. Our corporate documents
    13. Modern Slavery Act 2015
    14. We've signed the Together with tenants charter
    15. Procurement
    16. Social value
      1. Creating social value policy
      2. Working with our partners to deliver social value
      3. Working with our contractors & suppliers to deliver social value
    17. Your information
  6. Jobs

    1. Employee benefits
  7. Rent & money

    1. Ways to pay your rent
      1. How to use AllPay, our online payment system
    2. How we set your rent
    3. In credit on your rent account
    4. What to do if you have rent arrears
    5. Paying for Bolton at Home services
    6. Help with money and debt-related matters
      1. Help with money worries from our Money Advice Team
      2. Top tips for managing your money and setting up a bank account
      3. How to access affordable credit and loans
        1. Hoot Credit Union
      4. How to prevent and deal with debts
    7. Help with benefits (including Universal Credit)
      1. Universal Credit
      2. Housing Benefit
      3. Council Tax Support
      4. Pension Credit
    8. Emergency help with food or fuel
      1. Local welfare provision
  8. News

    1. Bolton at Home on Bolton FM
    2. Quarter Turn
  9. Your home

    1. Our repairs and maintenance service
      1. How to report a repair
      2. Our Repairs Policy
        1. Repair priorities and timescales (Appendix A)
        2. Your general responsibilities for repairs (Appendix B)
        3. Our repair responsibilities and your repair responsibilities (Appendix C)
      3. Repairs how to videos
    2. About our empty homes and the Lettable Standard
    3. Keeping you and your home safe (home and building safety advice hub)
      1. Using your windows safely
      2. Balcony safety
      3. Water safety in your home
      4. Join our Resident Building Safety Panel
      5. Our rules on smoking in and around your property
      6. Keeping communal areas clear and safe
      7. Download our Home Safety Guide for houses and flats
      8. Fire and gas safety animations
      9. Fire safety tips for your home
      10. Our latest Building Safety Updates
      11. View the latest Building Safety Case Information and Fire Risk Assessment for your building
      12. Fire door advice for tenants
      13. Meter tampering: know the risks and stay safe
    4. Dealing with damp, condensation, and mould
    5. Garages and parking
    6. Shared Ownership with Stonecross Homes
      1. Information for current shared ownership owners
        1. Shared ownership: your rights and responsibilities
        2. Information on shared ownership repairs
        3. Shared ownership rent & service charges
        4. Making improvements to your shared ownership home
        5. Making changes to your shared ownership lease
    7. Improvement programme
    8. New build developments
      1. Affordable rent developments
      2. Rent to Buy developments
    9. Properties and land for sale
    10. Home ownership (Right to Buy or Right to Acquire)
    11. Leaseholders
      1. Make changes on your lease
      2. Leaseholder rights and responsibilities
      3. Leasehold repairs
      4. Service charges and ground rent for leaseholders
      5. Major works and improvements
      6. Improvements or alterations to your property
      7. Other information
  10. Your area

    1. Community Engagement
      1. Community Development
      2. Community Engagement projects, campaigns and events
      3. Community Engagement Programmes and Partnerships
      4. Peer Navigators
      5. 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence
      6. Percent for Art
      7. Manbassadors
        1. The impact of Bolton Manbassadors
        2. Meet the Manbassadors
        3. Manbassadors videos
      8. Stay up to date with our Farnworth Focus Team
    2. Our environmental services
  11. Contact

    1. Accessibility
    2. Translate this site
    3. Complaints, compliments and suggestions
    4. Know your rights as a social housing resident
      1. Four million homes
    5. You said, we did: how we've acted on your feedback