Before you proceed:
Please remember that serious crime, such as suspected drug crime and violent crime, should be reported direct to the Police, who have greater investigatory powers and tools.
You can report a crime to Greater Manchester Police by tapping here or search ‘report a crime’ to find your local police force’s reporting system. Always call 999 if someone’s in immediate danger.
If you've not already, you can tap here to learn more about our antisocial behaviour service and what we'll do when you report an issue to us.

There are several ways you can report antisocial behaviour or hate crime to us:
- Tap here to email us with your contact name, address and phone number and details of your concern.
- Call us on 01204 328000, Monday to Friday 08.00am to 17.30pm. We also offer an out of hours service on 01204 328000 after 17.30pm to 08.00am, Monday to Friday and 24 hours on a Saturday and Sunday.
- In person at our Valley House reception (tap here for our address and opening times) or at your local UCAN centre (tap here to find your local UCAN centre and see opening times).
- Write to us (with your letter addressed to: Bolton at Home, Neighbourhood Safety and Enforcement Team, 98 Waters Meeting Road, Bolton, BL1 8SW).
There are two additional ways you can report hate crime to other agencies:
- Through a third-party reporting centre. Details of your local third-party reporting centre can be found by tapping here. Please note that reports made via this reporting mechanism will be forwarded to your local Neighbourhood Policing Team.
- Report it to True Vision anonymously by tapping here (external website). Please note that reports made via this reporting mechanism will be forwarded to your local Neighbourhood Policing Team.
Any information provided by you will be treated in the strictest of confidence and will not be disclosed to any other person without your consent.