Decorative header image reading 'We can help you (or someone you know) into work/training'.

We can help you get in to work

Staff in our Employment and Enterprise Team offer a range of services to help you gain the skills, confidence and motivation to get into work and/or training.

Helping people into work and/or training is directly linked to our second organisational objective, which is to 'Support our customers and communities'.

Click or tap on the headings below to learn more about each of the services we offer along with how you can get help.

If you need more advice on how we can help you get into work, either tap here to find and visit your local UCAN centre, or contact Alex Warburton-Eccles on

Employment support at our UCAN centres

We offer support with application forms, online job searching, CVs, IT training, one-to-one guidance and debt and money advice.

Visit one of our UCAN centres for more information on what we can offer.

Tap here to find your nearest UCAN centre

See our training courses

Tap here to view the courses we have to offer

This can help you gain new skills. All our courses are free and run in different areas of Bolton.

See work experience opportunities for adults

Tap here to see our current work experience placement opportunities (with Bolton at Home and our partners)

We know getting into work can seem quite scary if you've been out of work for a while or if you've never had a job. Our Way in2Work Programme can help you build your confidence and gain work related skills, which all helps to make you more employable.

If you're unsure about how work experience can help you get a job, you can tap here to read our case studies.

We want you to succeed so our Way in2Work programme is tailored to your needs. As well as part time work experience, we will give you the tools and support to track and record your new skills and experience and show you how to use this to get the job.

  • Confidence building
  • CV and application support
  • Dedicated time to job searching and applying
  • A career and life coach
  • Interview skills
  • Interview clothing

For more information, please contact:
Niki Meikle 
Way in2Work Volunteer Coordinator
Call: 07775 826 422

Our vacancies

Header text reading 'current vacancies'

Are you interested in working for us?

Tap here to view our current vacancies

In-work support

From day one of employment, we'll offer six months' support to help you overcome any barriers you may find when starting in new employment.

These barriers could range from financial issues and transport arrangements, to getting the right clothing for the job. Support is offered either by email, phone, or face to face and we encourage you to contact us regularly so we can ensure no problems are left for any length of time. 

Working Wardrobe

Working Wardrobe has been set up to tackle another barrier into employment that so many men and women face today. That barrier is the lack of suitable clothing to wear in order to make a good first impression at the interview.

Tap here to learn more about how Working Wardrobe can help

More from our Employment Team: our guide to CVs

Our guide to CVs thumbnail

Creating the right CV is an important step in your job search. It will get you through the employer’s first sift of applications and get you an interview.

You can read our guide to CVs to learn about everything a good CV should include:

Our guide to CVs.pdf [pdf] 147KB

Does your CV have everything it needs? Read through your CV and check off each of the points that you have included using our handy CV checklist:

Our CV checklist.pdf [pdf] 116KB

More from our Employment Team: preparing for your interview

Preparing for your interview guide thumbnail

Been offered an interview? First of all- congratulations! Your CV or application was good and they want to see who you are and what you can do for them.

Interviews can be a daunting experience, but with preparation and self-awareness it really doesn’t have to be.

Our 'Preparing for your interview' guide will walk you through what to expect- including the types of questions you might get asked- and the types of questions you should ask, too. Download a copy below:


Access to Work: get support if you have a disability or health condition (from the Department for Work and Pensions)

Access to Work can help you get or stay in work if you have a physical or mental health condition or disability.

The support you get will depend on your needs. Through Access to Work, you can apply for:

  • a grant to help pay for practical support with your work
  • support with managing your mental health at work
  • money to pay for communication support at job interviews

To find out more about Access to Work and whether you're eligible, visit the website:

Check out our Bolton at Work Facebook page

Bolton at Work Facebook page logo

Tap here to visit our Bolton at Work Facebook page (link opens in a new window)

We started the Bolton at Work Facebook Page during the first lockdown in June 2020 to reach our customers digitally and offer our services virtually online.

We promote our Bolton at Home customer training courses and our Employment Support Offer - such as Way In2 Work, Working Wardrobe and Barrier Busting services -  in addition to external training provider courses, Bolton College courses and external support services available.

Each day we post local job vacancies and offer CV, application form, and interview preparation support.

You can also message the page directly to be referred to the correct person/team who can help.