Adult work experienceopportunities

Current work experience opportunities with us and/our partners

See current work experience opportunities with us and/our partners:

If you’re looking for work but don’t have the experience required, take a look at these adult work experience vacancies from us and/or our local partners. You can learn more about each opportunity currently available by tapping on the tabs below.

Work experience can be useful for anyone, at any stage of their career. It can help you to gain further skills and decide what to do if you’re:

  • out of work
  • changing career
  • looking for your first job
  • returning to work after a break

The roles are for anyone aged 18 years and above who live in a Bolton at Home property and offer the opportunity to learn about a job, a company, or a sector to see if it’s for you as well as gaining transferable skills to help you on your career path.

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Volunteer joiner assistant


The main tasks of the voluntary work experience opportunity will be to work alongside an experienced joiner to gain on the job experience.

For example, fitting:

  • skirting boards
  • architraves
  • work tops
  • kitchen units
  • wall cupboards
  • doors
  • floorboards
  • ply to floors
  • chipboard flooring
  • door casing

Full opportunity details:

WE140 - Bolton at Home - PJ Services Volunteer Joiner Assistant.docx [docx] 122KB

Placement provider: PJ Services

Header text reading 'Emily'

Emily said (having completed a work experience placement with us):

"During my placement everyone was very accepting. But importantly it was the right environment for me and the right people to be around for which I am so grateful.

"This opportunity has helped me get a job and it has helped me to build my confidence. I now know I can hold down a job with my health conditions. I feel less isolated and less vulnerable, after volunteering and working with Niki (Volunteer Coordinator for Bolton at Home).

"I have gained so much confidence, as being so unwell strips your confidence and this has enabled me to be hopeful again and looking forward to what the future may bring!"

Header text reading 'Jim'

Jim said (having completed a work experience interview):

"Thanks for letting me know the outcome of yesterday's interview. So many employers don't do that and I’m grateful you did.

"I would also like to thank you for your call to reach out and keep me in the loop for future opportunities.

"It's really good to know that there are hardworking people out there who really care and have such a passion for their jobs."

Header text reading 'Anon'

Someone (anon) one month into their work experience placement with us said:

"Today me and Niki discussed my first-month progress and looked in-depth at the skills I’ve developed. We looked at areas like confidence, organisation, technical skills, and problem-solving.

"I gained a further insight into the STAR technique and how I can use it to its greatest potential in interview scenarios, as well as how to use examples to strengthen my points. Niki also gave a lot of very useful tips and techniques to further improve and develop myself."

Header text reading 'Aga'

Aga said (having been offered a job following work experience with us):

"Thank you so much for your emails and your amazing support. I really enjoyed volunteering for Bolton at Home.

"Just wanted to let you know that I have a job now. I’m going to be Personal Assistant and covering reception at the spa. It’s a wonderful place to be!"

Header text reading 'Kieran'

Kieran said (having completed a work experience placement with us):

"This experience has helped with my confidence in the workplace and in my own ability, as well as adding to my CV to make me more appealing to employers.

"The best thing about this work experience was how I felt like the environment contributed to making me feel more comfortable, which helped with my confidence and ability to learn."

Header text reading 'Liam'

Liam said (about his new job after work experience):

"This new role suits me massively and I’ve had a great time so far!

"I’ve been given the opportunity to train new starters within my team which has been really exciting for me. I’ve grown leaps and bounds in confidence in this role and I feel that I’ve got you to thank for it!

"You helped me massively with confidence and my development both professionally and personally, so thanks for that."

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More volunteering/work experience options

We and our partners have additional options if you'd like other opportunities to gain work experience and/or volunteer (beyond those listed above). Tap whichever tabs apply to you below to learn more.

I'm unemployed and want to volunteer with Bolton at Home to improve my chances of paid work

If you're interested in volunteering with us (Bolton at Home) to improve your chances of paid work, please contact Niki Meikle on 07775 826422 or email and we'll explore any available options.

I'm in education (school, college,or university) and want to volunteer with Bolton at Home

If you're currently studying and would like to volunteer with us (Bolton at Home), please contact and we'll explore your options.

I have time to give and would like to volunteer with someone else

We'd recommend checking the volunteering webpages on our partners' websites, listed below:

Work experience partner logos

The opportunities on this page are delivered in partnership with:

European Union Social Fund logo  Manchester Athena Limited logo Skills Support logo