Safeguarding: what to do if you're worried about yourself or someone else

Safeguarding means protecting someone’s right to live in a safe environment, free from abuse, harm, and neglect.

We're committed to working with others to ensure that people who live in our homes (and/or receive services provided by us) are able to live free from harm.

We also recognise that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and that we can all play a part in preventing, being alert to, and responding appropriately to safeguarding concerns by reporting them.

Speak to us if you're concerned for yourself or someone else

The telephone number for our Safeguarding Team is 01204 328008 (available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, excluding bank holidays). You can also email our Safeguarding Team using

Remember: if you’re at immediate risk from a partner or family member, please get to a place of safety and contact the Police on 999.