
Welcome to our accessibility page

This page explains how we have made our services more accessible for everyone. It also tells you about the tools we offer to make sure our services meet your personal accessibility needs. Please contact us if you need help with accessibility. You can tap here to see our main contact details.

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How we have made our services more accessible

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A decorative icon with three stick figures standing together with stars above their heads.

We want Bolton at Home services to be accessible and easy to use for all.

Here are the ways we have made our services more accessible. If you would like to know more or would like help accessing any of our accessibility tools, please contact us. You can tap here to see our main contact details.

We offer a translation service:

We have a translation service that covers 147 languages.

We can use flash cards at our Valley House reception and in our UCAN centres to help identify your language. And we can organise a conversation with someone who will be able to translate a conversation over the phone or in person.

You can translate this website to another language using Google Translate. To translate the website, tap on the 'Translation' button at the top of any page. Some of the pages on our website include a translation prompt message.

We can provide content in braille:

Please contact us if you or someone you are representing would like to receive content in braille format. You can tap here to see our main contact details.

We offer support if you are deaf or hard of hearing:

We offer a British Sign Language service for those who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Hearing loops are available in our Valley House reception and in our UCAN centres.

Please tell us if your circumstances change:

Please tell us if your accessibility requirements change at any point during your tenancy. You can  tap here to see our main contact details.

How we have made our website more accessible

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A decorative icon showing a globe in a message bubble.

Our website has been designed to be easy to use for everyone.

Here are some of the things we have done to help: 

  • We have kept all the text short and to the point. 
  • Where there are more complicated subjects we have included some frequently asked questions.
  • We have made sure that there are phone numbers for services provided where they are needed. If the website doesn't give you the information you need, you can call us for help. You can  tap here to see our main contact details.
  • If you cannot speak to us over the phone, we have included an online web chat facility so you can speak with our staff using messages.
  • We have included video content to break up large amounts of text.

You can make our website easier to use if you have trouble with your sight:

There are two options to change how the website looks to make it easier to read:

  • You can make the text smaller or bigger using the options at the very top of the page. This is available on every page in the website.
  • You can adjust the colours and contrast using the options at the very top of the page. This is available on every page in the website.

You can translate our website into another language:

You can translate this website to another language using Google Translate. To translate the website, tap on the 'Translation' button at the top of any page.

Please let us know if there is something you think we have missed:

We have designed the website to meet the needs of as many people as possible. If there is something you think we have missed please let us know. 

You can contact us with your comments by emailing

Other websites that can help with accessibility

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A decorative location pin icon.

Get accessibility help for a range of devices and software:

The My Computer, My Way section on the AbilityNet website will show you how to make your computer, mobile phone, tablet, or other device easier to use. It contains instructions for many different devices and brands:

Get accessibility help directly from Apple or Microsoft:

You can visit the Apple or Microsoft websites for details on how to make their software more accessible and easier to use: