united utilities logoIf you have fallen behind with your water payments or struggling to pay your bills, United Utilities operate several schemes to help get you back on track. They have match payment schemes and trust funds available.

Contact United Utilities on their Freephone number 0800 072 6765 to see how they can help you. Or you can contact our Money Advice Team for further help or support.

If you live on your own or if you have a small family, a water meter could be right for you. Contact United Utilities today to find out if you could save money.

If you change your mind, you can switch back to a standard meter within 24 months if it’s not right for you.

Note: If United Utilities can’t fit a water meter at your home due to the property, you may still be entitled to a discount, this depends on your property type, unless you live alone, in which case you may be eligible for their Single Person Household Tariff.

You can call United Utilities on 0800 072 6765.

'Help to pay' scheme for customers on pension credit

image of hand holding coins United Utilities operate a scheme called ‘Help to Pay’ which caps your bill at £250. This is aimed at customers who live in social housing and in receipt of Pension Credit (either Pension Guarantee Credit or Pension Savings Credit) and are struggling to pay their water bill.

If your water bill is currently more than £250 ring United Utilities direct on 0800 072 6765 and ask about the 'Help to Pay tariff'.

Get a trust fund to help with debt

united utilities logoUnited Utilities Trust Fund can consider giving some help to meet other essential bills, household needs or priority debts, for example, gas, electric or water debts.

You need to complete a Trust Fund application form which you can download here, or you can speak to them directly on 0845 179 1791.   

If you need assistance completing your Trust Fund form, you can contact our Money Advice Team on 01204 328000.

Save money by paying your water bills by Direct Debit

logo for direct debitYou can save £5 off your water bill each year with United Utilities when you set up a Direct Debit payment plan. You can choose when to pay: weekly, fortnightly and monthly. Once your Direct Debit is set up with United Utilities your payments will automatically be paid out of your bank account - meaning its one less thing for you to worry about!

To set up a Direct Debit with United Utilies or for more information, click here. You can also sign up for paperless billing and see your statements.