Balcony fire safety

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Fire safety on balconies and/or close to your property:

In recent years, the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service have noticed a rise in the number of fires which have started close to properties- particularly on balconies- during periods of good weather.

Disposable barbecues, cigarettes, and waste have been common sources of these fires.

Please do your bit to help keep you, your friends, neighbours, and/or family members safe by ensuring you/they do not use barbeques or any other form of open fire on balconies or close to your property. This can be extremely dangerous and poses a great fire risk due to the fire’s close proximity to your building.

You can do your bit to reduce the risk of fire this summer by letting others know about our balcony fire safety steps:

  • do not use barbecues, chimineas, fire pits, or any other form of open fire on a balcony,
  • never store or set off fireworks or flares on your balcony,
  • never store flammable materials on your balcony,
  • remove rubbish, reduce clutter, and try and keep items on the balcony to a minimum, such as soft furnishings, flags and drying laundry,
  • and never throw cigarettes onto or off your balcony – as this could cause a fire on someone else’s balcony. Use a suitable ashtray and dispose of the contents safely.

Please help us spread the word.

More fire safety advice from Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS)

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) logo

The Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) website also has lots of advice on keeping you and your family safe from the risks of fire.

To see Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service's (GMFRS') full collection of fire safety advice on a range of topics (and in other languages), please tap here (link opens in a new tab).

You can use that link to access GMFRS' fire safety advice for both houses and flats, with expert advice on things like:

  • smoke and heat alarms,
  • cooking and kitchen safety,
  • smoking at home,
  • electricals,
  • electric bikes and scooters,
  • heating and candles,
  • balcony safety,
  • evacuation,
  • Fire Doors,
  • and more.