Home and BuildingSafety Hub

Warning symbol icon

Please let us know if you would need help to evacuate in the event of a fire:

Please note: if you would need help to evacuate in the event of a fire, you must tell us. This could be because of a disability, a sensory impairment or if you have reduced mobility.

If you feel that you would need assistance, please phone us on 01204 328000 or email us at buildingsafety@boltonathome.org.uk.

Building safety hub intro

Our Home and Building Safety Hub includes important information and handy advice on topics such as fire, energy, water, and asbestos safety, as well details on improvement works (for details on improvement works, tap here to view our latest Building Safety Updates).

We've also included a series of short films and animations covering many of these same themes.

Some of the information on our Home and Building Safety Hub is specific to flats, while other sections are relevant to all property types (including houses).

If you'd like to speak with us about anything relating to safety in or around your home, please don't hesitate to get in touch. You can email us using buildingsafety@boltonathome.org.uk or call 01204 328000.

Here are some of the most popular topics on our Home and Building Safety Hub:

Slideshow header image reading: 'See a summary of the latest Building Safety Case Information for your building. You can see a summary of the latest Building Safety Case Information for your building, including its latest Fire Risk Assessment (FRA).' This image links to www.boltonathome.org.uk/building-safety-case-information when tapped.

See a summary of the latest Building Safety Case Information for your building:

It’s a legal requirement that we share key safety and building information about your block with you. We also share this information with the Building Safety Regulator, which oversees and ensures that buildings are safe for people to live in. Tap here to view the latest Building Safety Case Information for your building, including a summary of its most recent Fire Risk Assessment (FRA).

Slideshow header image reading: 'Watch our short animation on using your windows safely. If the window safety devices in your home aren't used correctly, people can fall from them. To minimise the risks, please watch our short video. Tap here to watch.' This image links to www.boltonathome.org.uk/window-safety when tapped.

Watch our short animation on using your windows safely:

If the window safety devices in your home aren't used correctly, people can fall from them. To minimise the risks, please watch our short video. Tap here to watch our short animation on using your windows safely.

Slideshow header image reading: 'Watch our short animation on water safety in your home. Our short video explains the steps you can take to keep your water system clean and reduce the chances of Legionella being present in your water.' This image links to www.boltonathome.org.uk/water-safety when tapped.

Water safety and hygiene in your home:

The safety and quality of your water could be affected by the growth of bacteria, such as Legionella, if you've been away from home for a while. Tap here to watch our animation on keeping your water clean and safe.

Slideshow header image reading: 'It's not the same without you. join our Resident Building Safety Panel today'. This image links to www.boltonathome.org.uk/resident-building-safety-panel when tapped.

It's not the same without you:

If you'd like to join your neighbours in ensuring our buildings are safe and accessible for everyone, tap here to learn more about our Resident Building Safety Panel.

Slideshow header image reading: 'Items left in communal areas: our policy'. This image links to www.boltonathome.org.uk/communal-areas when tapped.

Items left in communal areas - our policy:

Items stored in communal areas may present a hazard as they could prevent people from leaving the building safely in the event of a fire. Tap here for information on keeping yourself and others safe.

Slideshow header image reading: 'Download our essential home safety guide'. This image links to www.boltonathome.org.uk/home-safety-guide when tapped.

Download our essential Home Safety Guide:

These guides contain information to help keep you and others safe, covering several areas such as Fire Safety and Asbestos. We've created two versions: one for houses, and one for flats. Tap here to download your home safety guide.

Slideshow header image reading: 'Download our leaflet on Fire Doors'. This image links to www.boltonathome.org.uk/fire-doors when tapped.

Download our guide on Fire Doors:

Our leaflet contains handy information on what fire doors are, why they're important, how/when we’ll inspect them, and how you can regularly check the ones in your home/building. Tap here to download your Fire Doors guide.

Slideshow header image reading: 'Watch our short animations on gas safety, fire safety, and Fire Doors.' This image links to www.boltonathome.org.uk/gas-fire-safety-animations when tapped.

Watch our short animations on gas safety, fire safety, and Fire Doors:

At just a few minutes long, our home safety animations offer a quick and easy way to make sure your home is safe. Tap here to watch our home safety animations.

Slideshow header image reading: 'Meter tampering: know the risks.' This image links to www.boltonathome.org.uk/meter-tampering when tapped.

Meter tampering: know the risks:

Some of the risks of meter tampering include shocks/severe burns, fires, and even explosions. Read our short guide for steps on how to keep your neighbours, friends, family members, and your/their children safe. Tap here to download our leaflet on meter tampering.

Slideshow header image showing the GMFRS logo. Links to www.manchesterfire.gov.uk/your-safety/fire-safety when tapped (link opens in a new tab).

The Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service website also has lots of advice on keeping you and your family safe:

To see Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service's (GMFRS') full collection of fire safety advice on a range of topics (and in other languages), please tap here (link opens in a new tab).

Our Resident Engagement Strategy for Higher Risk Buildings

Screenshot of the cover page for our Resident Engagement Strategy for High Risk Residential Buildings (the PDF version, updated August 2024).

Our Resident Engagement Strategy for High-Risk Residential Buildings focuses on ensuring your safety through active engagement and communication.

It outlines our responsibilities under the Building Safety Act 2022, emphasising the importance of involving you in our safety decisions, maintaining accurate safety information, and reporting incidents. 

The key aims of our Resident Engagement Strategy for High-Risk Residential Buildings are to ensure:

  • You're empowered to get involved and influence building safety decisions in your home.
  • You're aware of key building safety messages and decisions.
  • You know how to raise any building safety concerns with us (you can do this by calling 01204 328000, or emailing buildingsafety@boltonathome.org.uk).
  • You're aware of, and know how to access key building safety information about your home.
  • We provide you with a clear understanding of our responsibilities as a landlord, and your responsibilities as a tenant to ensure your home remains safe.
  • You're effectively communicated with in a way that is accessible and easy to understand.
  • You know what to do in the event of a fire or emergency in your building.
  • You know how to make a complaint if you feel your concerns are not being listened to.

We want to maintain a collaborative approach to building safety, ensuring residents like you feel informed and involved.

Both versions are up to date and contain the same content.