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About the Community Engagement Team

The Community Engagement Team provides a front facing service that enables and supports the transformation of lives of both tenants and their communities by focusing on the long term sustainability of our neighbourhoods and their ability to respond resiliently to change.

We believe in and strive to develop a community investment approach which is about more than bricks and mortar.

Our team is made up of officers - with community-focused roles in Community Development, Percent for Art, Peer Navigators and a number of externally funded Programmes & Partnerships - who are truly passionate about working with communities to bring about positive change.

What we do

The Community Investment team supports the Bolton at Home vision “to provide homes as a bedrock for strong places, and to support people and their communities to flourish and deliver homes & neighbourhoods we can all be proud of”.

We monitor and evaluate our success against the following objectives:

1: To provide a comprehensive programme of community investment activity which leads to increasing numbers of volunteers, beneficiaries and participants

2: To provide residents with navigating support and to work with a wide range of organisations to ensure that appropriate support and activities can be accessed

3: To facilitate a number of action days across our neighbourhoods each year including door knocking and direct action.

4: To obtain external funding to enable the Community Investment team to provide more activities and initiatives, and to support community groups to obtain external funding to enable them to deliver more activities within their communities.

Funding advice and more from Bolton CVS