Header image reading: 'I don't know where to turn. I feel lost and have no one to speak to. Don't know who you can talk to? Bolton Manbassadors - on your side. Delivered by Bolton at Home.'

"I don't know where to turn. I feel lost and have no one to speak to."

Don't know who you can talk to? Manbassadors are here for chat. When things get tough, we look out for each other. We can help you get back on track. We promote positive mental health and wellbeing in men.

Header image reading: 'Everything keeps going wrong. I can't see a way out. Don't know who you can talk to? Bolton Manbassadors - on your side. Delivered by Bolton at Home.'

"Everything keeps going wrong. I can't see a way out."

Don't know who you can talk to? Manbassadors are here for chat. When things get tough, we look out for each other. We can help you get back on track. We promote positive mental health and wellbeing in men.

Header image reading: 'My gambling is getting out of control. I can't sleep at night without worry. Bolton Manbassadors - on your side. Delivered by Bolton at Home.'

"My gambling is getting out of control. I can't sleep at night without worry."

Don't know who you can talk to? Manbassadors are here for chat. When things get tough, we look out for each other. We can help you get back on track. We promote positive mental health and wellbeing in men.

Bolton Manbassadors is an award-winning** men's mental health project delivered by Bolton at Home.

It aims to:

  • Raise awareness locally of the mental health issues facing men.
  • Grow a network of local organisations across Bolton acting as men’s health advocates – ‘Manbassadors’ who look out for and speak with their customers.
  • Help men to access the local services and support they require on issues that impact on their mental health.
  • Develop a network of mens social and community activities across Bolton creating safe spaces for men to be able to talk to one another about mental health.

Following in the footsteps of the Orion Partnership ‘Manbassadors’ project in Leeds, Bolton Manbassadors are looking to take a different approach in engaging men, normalising conversations around mental health, removing the stigma, and supporting men to get the support they need.

**Bolton Manbassadors and our campaign partners Maxmedia Communications Ltd. won 'Campaign of the year' during 2022's UK Housing Awards.

Image reading 'UK Housing Awards 2022 Winner'

There are many ways you can get involved to support the Manbassadors project- either as an organisation or an individual. Learn how on this page.

You can find your nearest Manbassador(s) using the map above. Just tap on a star to view details about each one.

We'll keep this up to date as more organisations sign up to become Manbassadors. If you'd like to get to know some of our existing Manbassadors, tap the button below.

Interested in becoming a Manbassador (as an organisation) or pledging to support the project as an individual? Tap the tabs below to learn more.

Header image reading 'When things get tough, we look out for each other. Bolton Manbassadors'

Did you know that:

  • One in six adults (over 16) are experiencing common mental health problems at any one time?
  • In the UK, men are only around half as likely as women to access psychological therapies, and it’s also believed they are less likely to speak to family or friends about mental health issues?
  • Every week, 125 people in the UK take their own lives?
  • Three in four people who commit suicide are male?
  • Suicide is the single biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK?
  • The last time there was a recession in 2008, suicides increased by 10%? With the impact that Covid has had on our community’s mental health and wellbeing, we need to look out for each other.

Many of us will know of someone close to us who has suffered with their mental health. It might be you Dad, your son, your brother, your Uncle, your cousin, your friend, your teammate at work or yourself.

Men, traditionally, don’t speak out and ask for help when they need it. We want you to know it’s okay not to be okay, you are not alone and support is out there for you.

Times are tough for many people around Bolton. When things get tough, we look out for each other.

There are many ways you can get involved to support the Manbassadors project- either as an organisation or an individual. Tap the tabs below to learn more.

Header image reading 'What it means to be part of: Bolton Manbassadors'

A Manbassador is a men’s health advocate – they look out for and speak with their customers.

The aim of the Bolton Manbassadors project is to try to tackle high rates of male suicide and mental health issues. We are reaching out to all men with a simple intervention of an informal, bite-sized support delivered on a very local level.

Whether you’re a nursey or a pub, a café or a barber, a gym, or a local takeaway – you can play your part.

We also have sports clubs from football, cricket and even wrestling clubs signed up as Manbassadors. Community groups and charitable organisations too.

If you’re a people-facing business, you can look out for them, let them know they’re not alone and raise awareness of men’s mental health issues.

The more people raising the awareness around the project, the more likely we are to reach those in need, when they need it.

If you're an organisation in Bolton, passionate about helping your customers and want to help men in the local community – we’d love to hear from you.

Header image reading 'Your organisation could become part of: Bolton Manbassadors'

Want your organisation to become a Manbassador?

Manbassadors are the heartbeat to our men's mental health project. We're looking to recruit new businesses, groups, clubs, and organisations to help us connect with men who may need support.

There are three 'tiers' of Manbassador:

Tier 1 Manbassadors - what we ask:

  • Be an ambassador for men's mental health.
  • Look out for your male customers.
  • Have a chat and hand out our leaflet.
  • Display our leaflets, posters, and other promotional materials.
  • If you can: connect with other local SME businesses. This is an opportunity to build an SME business Manbassador network to connect with like-minded businesses and share ideas.

What we offer to you:

  • A listing on our Manbassadors webpage.
  • A welcome pack.
  • Promotional materials.
  • Access to free non-accredited training.

Tier 2 Manbassadors - what we ask (in addition to Tier 1):

  • Provide deals or discounts for the men who access our support.
  • Donate goods or 'in kind' services to our groups.

What we offer to you (in addition to Tier 1):

  • Regular social media promotion.
  • Access to free accredited training.

Tier 3 Manbassadors - what we ask (in addition to Tiers 1 and 2):

  • Sponsor or deliver a community activity (*100% of funds raised through sponsorship or fundraising will go directly to our community offer and raising awareness around men's mental health.)
  • Fundraise or donate.
  • Provide work placements, volunteering, or job opportunities for men who access our support.

What we offer to you (in addition to Tiers 1 and 2):

  • Free merchandise.
  • Prime promotion on our webpage and our annual report.
  • Free awareness session for your staff.

Want to become a Manbassador? Send us an email using: boltonmanbassadors@boltonathome.org.uk.

Header image reading 'Individuals: volunteer to support: Bolton Manbassadors'

You can volunteer to support the Manbassadors project as an individual:

For more information on volunteering with us, please send us an email using: boltonmanbassadors@boltonathome.org.uk.

Header image reading 'We're looking for sponsors like you. Bolton Manbassadors'

Businesses: why not become a sponsor of Bolton Manbassadors?

We're looking Manbassadors Sponsors to help fund the growth of the award-winning Manbassadors project. Are you:

  • A business looking to add social value to your organisation?
  • Looking for a local project that is making a difference across Bolton?
  • Passionate about suicide prevention and promoting positive mental wellbeing amongst men?

Bolton Manbassadors would love to hear from you.

Interested? Please contact us on 07787337474 or on email boltonmanbassadors@boltonathome.org.uk for more details.

Men's activities: Manbassadors in the community

We (Bolton at Home) and several of our Manbassadors deliver a number of community activities for men across Bolton.

To keep up to date with these activities, please visit our Facebook page:

Stay up to date with all things Bolton Manbassdors using our 'Padlet':

Check our Padlet for an overview of upcoming Manbassadors events and activities, signposts to support services, project updates, ways to be involved, and more. The Bolton Manbassadors team update it regularly.

You can use the box/arrow icon in the top-right of our Padlet to view it in fullscreen.

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