Affordable credit and loans

How to access affordable credit and loans

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If your credit rating is low, you may be limited to where you can borrow money, and this is a time where people can take advantage of you.

Instant, fast cash comes with a penalty and is often very expensive when it comes to paying it back.

Here are some handy tips when it comes to borrowing money, along with details of how to access low cost affordable loans.

Here are some things to consider when borrowing money

Spend time shopping around:

Always shop around for the best deals, or ask us for help and support.

Consider the total repayment amount:

Always look at the total amount you'll have to pay back when borrowing money.

Avoid focusing on just the weekly or monthly repayment amount.

'Pay back weekly' stores:

These often seem attractive, but the total cost of repayments are very high compared to the actual value of goods.

Loan sharks:

Never borrow from a loan shark (tap here for more information on what loan sharks are and how to avoid them).

If you're finding it difficult to get credit, you can contact your local credit union (tap here for more information on Hoot, Bolton's credit union). 

Secured and unsecured loans:

Make sure you know the difference.

A secured loan means you can lose your home or goods if you don't keep up the repayments.

Work out your budget:

Before you borrow, make sure you know if you can afford the repayments.

Avoid borrowing money on a whim:

If you're buying something of high value like a car or furniture, think about payment options beforehand.

The loans offered by the sales staff may be more expensive than other options. 

Be careful about borrowing more money to pay off existing debts:

Additional borrowing can seem like a good idea and may well help in the short-term, but can too often lead to more serious longer-term problems.

Please contact us if you need help and support.

Interest free deals:

Be really careful as these deals are only interest free if you pay them off within a certain time period.

If you don't pay them off within this period, you'll pay a very high rate of interest.

Avoid going overdrawn:

If you go overdrawn without agreement, you could face being charged with high amounts.

You'll be charged much less if you agree the overdraft beforehand.

We'd recommend Hoot Credit Union for affordable loans and savings

Hoot Credit Union logo

If you need to borrow money, we'd recommend Hoot Credit Union as they offer low cost and affordable loans.

Hoot Credit Union is there for you with flexible, approachable financial services, whether it's for personal loans or savings.

Hoot's only shareholders are their members, which means you - and your community - are in control. Their members are more than just customers because they put them first.

Hoot's products and services are designed to help members manage their money well and all profits are shared amongst members or used to benefit the whole community.

Every penny is used to benefit you. That doesn’t mean less security though - you’re protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).

You can tap here for more information on Hoot Credit Union, including their eligibility criteria.

Here's Lindsey to explain why borrowing and/or saving with Hoot could be a wise option:

What are the benefits of joining Hoot Credit Union?

Hoot lets you access savings and loans whilst helping your community at the same time.

Whether you're a saver or a borrower you can be assured of a good deal, excellent service, and the knowledge that you're helping others in your community to access fair and affordable finance. 

  • Secure savings with access when you need them.
  • Fair and affordable loans.
  • Excellent customer service.
  • Lots of ways to access your account.
  • Supports our community.

What should I do if I have money worries?



  • Ignore debts. They will not go away and the longer you leave them, the worse they will get.
  • Panic. Friendly staff in our Money Advice Team provide a free, independent, and confidential service to help with money worries.
  • Take out more loans to pay off debts. Talk to us first.
  • Feel alone with your money problems. We're here to help, so please contact us.
  • Feel harassed or intimidated. You still have rights even though you owe money.

Be aware of high interest lenders:

Debt management companies, doorstep lenders, loan sharks, and high street money lenders all exist to make money from you. They will charge high interest rates and make charges for lending money. You can tap here for our guidance on how to prevent and deal with debts.

We understand people may need to borrow money sometimes. If you need a loan, we’d recommend a local credit union like Hoot – Bolton’s Credit Union. They offer low-cost loans at a fair rate of interest and help you save money for the future. Tap here for more information on Hoot Credit Union.

You can access advice and guidance on a range of money topics on our website: