Having the bailiffs (also known as 'enforcement agents') at your door can be a stressful experience, especially if you don’t know your rights.
The rules around bailiff powers are complex and it’s vital you know what bailiffs can and can't do so you aren’t treated unfairly or unlawfully.
Please contact our Money Advice Team on 01204 328000 or tap here to visit the Citizens Advice website for more help and support on dealing with bailiffs.
Here are some important things to consider when dealing with bailiffs:
Don't panic:
You may still have time to deal with your debts before the bailiff comes to your house, as long as you act quickly.
Our Money Advice Team can help you to understand your rights, fees, and how to deal with debts. Just contact us for assistance.
Don't ignore the situation:
We've helped lots of customers to deal with bailiff issues. If you're struggling to pay or are worried, please contact us.
Breathing space:
You can tell the bailiff and the creditor if you're taking advice, and ask for breathing space to get advice.
It's worth letting them know, even though they don't have to agree to give you more time.
Know your rights:
It's important to know what the bailiffs you're dealing with are allowed to do, and we can help to explain this for you.
Just get in touch if you need support.
If they haven't been inside your home before, most bailiffs — including those enforcing Council Tax — can only get in if you let them in.
Securing your property:
If a bailiff is able to enter your home through an open door or window, this is viewed as you letting them in. Make sure you keep doors and windows shut and locked at all times.
Don't engage:
You don't need to talk to the bailiff. Close your curtains, don't open the door, and instruct family members not to open the door to anyone they don't know.
Please get in touch if you need any support or guidance from our Money Advice Team.
You can't be arrested:
You can't be arrested for refusing entry to a bailiff if they've not already been in and made a list of goods.
Forced entry:
Some bailiffs (such as those collecting unpaid fines issued by magistrates' courts or the Crown Court or for Income Tax, VAT, or National Insurance) may be allowed to force their way into your home, although they will hardly ever do this.
The bailiffs might charge you fees for coming to your property and your debt could just get bigger if you ignore the fees.
If you let the bailiff in, or if they gain access to your goods, they can charge fees (and additional fees if they remove items).
You can also download a PDF copy of this list if you'd like to keep it handy: