How we are governed

Bolton at Home Limited is a charitable Community Benefit Society registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2017. We are run by a Board and associated Committees and governed by a set of Rules which explain how Bolton at Home (BH) organises its internal governance arrangements to deliver its objectives.

We have a current Board of 9 Non Executive Directors and one co-opted Non Executive Director.

The main Board is supported by:

  • Group HR Committee 
  • Group Audit and Risk Committee
  • Group Development Committee
  • Group Governance Committee
  • Group Operations Committee
  • Group Customer Scrutiny Panel

Agendas for Board and Group Operations Committee meetings will be posted on our website in advance of each meeting.

We have adopted the National Housing Federation's (NHF) Code of Conduct and NHF Excellence in Governance and regularly assess compliance with these standards and publish the outcomes in our annual reports.

How we are regulated

We operate under the oversight of the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH). The regulator sets the regulatory standards, requirements, and specific outcomes that all registered social housing providers must comply with.  

Tap here for more information about the regulator’s information requirements

Continue reading for information about the economic and consumer standards, the regulatory framework and our inspection grades, and how we maintain compliance with these standards.  

Economic and consumer standards

Economic standards
Governance and Financial Viability Standard Looks at how well an organisation is run and if it is financially viable.   
Value for Money Standard Looks at whether a provider is making the best use of its resources to meet its objectives. 
Rent Standard Establishes the requirements around how registered providers set and increase rents for all their social housing stock in line with government policy. 


Consumer standards
Safety and Quality standard Requires landlords to provide safe and good quality homes and landlord services to tenants. 
Transparency, Influence and Accountability Standard  Requires landlords to be open with tenants and treat them with fairness and respect so that tenants can access services, raise complaints, when necessary, influence decision making and hold their landlord to account. 
Neighbourhood and Community Standard  Requires landlords to engage with other relevant parties so that tenants can live in safe and well-maintained neighbourhoods and feel safe in their homes.
Tenancy Standard Sets requirements for the fair allocation and letting of homes and for how those tenancies are managed and ended by landlords. 


Tap here for more information about the economic and consumer standards that registered providers of social housing must comply with.  

Regulatory framework

Every four years, the Regulator of Social Housing assesses how well we meet the standards.

We were last inspected by the regulator in 2024. This regulatory judgement confirmed our governance (G), financial viability (V), and consumer (C) grades as in the table below. 

Our compliant grades remained unchanged after a follow-up stability check and engagement with the regulator, completed in February 2025.

We’re working with the regulator to improve services to customers and our compliance with the standards.

Tap here for details of regulatory judgements.

Governance Grade G2 - Compliant The landlord meets our governance requirements but needs to improve some aspects of its governance arrangements to support continued compliance.
Viability Grade V2 - Compliant The landlord meets our viability requirements. It has the financial capacity to deal with a reasonable range of adverse scenarios but needs to manage material risks to ensure continued compliance.
Consumer Grade

C2 - Compliant

There are some weaknesses in the landlord delivering the outcomes of the consumer standards and improvement is needed.


Maintaining compliance with the regulatory standards

Every three months, we assess ourselves against the requirements set out in the economic and consumer standards, and we report the progress to our committees and the board.   

Each year, our board needs to verify that we’re meeting the economic and consumer standards and confirm this in our annual report for customers and our financial statements.