Our policies and strategies
This page lists all of our current policy and strategy documents.
If you'd like to view any of our policies or strategies in an alternative format - such as in another language, braille, large print, spoken audio, or something else - please email our Communications Team using news@boltonathome.org.uk and we'll do everything we can to help.
If you can't find what you're looking for on this page, please tap here to visit our Corporate Documents page.
- Allocations and Letting Policy.docx
- Allowances for Members policy
- Anti-social behaviour and enforcement policy
- Arboricultural policy
- Asset management strategy and disposal policy
- Board and committee member recruitment policy
- Building Safety Policy
- Business planning, risk and assurance framework
- CCTV Policy.docx
- Climate change strategy 2021-2026
- Compensation and redress policy
- Customer feedback policy
- Customer Vulnerability and Reasonable Adjustments Policy
- Data protection policy
- Development strategy
- Digital Inclusion Policy
- Disabled facilities adaptations policy
- Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy (Interim).docx
- External funding policy
- Fire Policy.docx
- Grant allocation policy
- Health, safety and wellbeing policy (employees, customers and visitors)
- Leasehold Policy 2023.docx
- Management of fire risks in communal areas policy
- Mobility Scooter, Ebike and Similar Devices policy
- Money advice policy
- Neighbourhood policy
- Rent setting policy
- Rent to buy policy
- Repairs Policy (the most up-to-date version of our Repairs Policy is also available as a webpage and in a downloadable, printable PDF format at: www.boltonathome.org.uk/repairs-policy)
- Resident Engagement Strategy - Higher risk buildings.docx
- Revenue service policy
- Safeguarding Policy
- Service Charge Policy.docx
- Shared ownership sales policy
- Tackling poverty strategy
- Tenancy policy
- Tenant, Resident, Community and Engagement strategy
- Unacceptable behaviour policy
- Value for Money Strategy
- Winter service provision policy (Gritting)