About the Group HR Committee

This Committee has devolved responsibility from the Group Board of Bolton at Home Limited for:

  • All HR matters relating to Non Executive members and the Executive Team, having considered independent advice (when required) and taken into account good practice;
  • high level HR strategy and consultation arrangements;
  • ensuring that the society maintains the highest standards of HR, taking account of best practice;
  • participating in panels or hearings as required by any relevant HR policy;
  • effective working relationships between the Group Board, employees and the Secretary;

Terms of Reference

Group HR_People Committee terms of reference (approved 23.03.23) [pdf] 67KB

Mark Wilkinson (Deputy Chair of BH Board)

Mark Wilkinson (Deputy Chair of BH Board)

Mark combines his non-executive role with his executive career in the NHS.  Most recently, Mark has been appointed to a place director role within the Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board, tasked with delivering joined up health and care services.

By profession, Mark is a chartered accountant and held executive finance roles across Greater Manchester before moving into general management.  Mark is passionate about tackling health inequalities and is keen to explore the broader contribution Bolton at Home can make to supporting flourishing communities.  He has been on the board of Bolton at Home previously in 2018 and was re-appointed to the board in April 2022.

Ian Munro (Chair of BH Group Board)

Ian Munro (Chair of BH Group Board)

Ian has a wealth of experience and expertise in housing and environmental health.  He became Director of Housing in Tameside in 1992 and supervised the implementation of one of the Country’s first, and most successful, housing renewal areas, bringing in over £70M private sector investment into one of the boroughs townships.

Ian led the transfer of Tameside’s 16,151 council homes to New Charter Group in March 2000; the first Metropolitan transfer and at the time the biggest in number and valuation [£129M] and first to a new group structure.

Ian has been a Board member at Bolton at Home since 2018, and was appointed Chair of the Group Board in October 2019.

Matt Roberts

Matt Roberts

Matt has been Strategic Director of Property and Development with Southway Housing since December 2017 and has worked in social housing asset management for over 25 years, delivering many significant development and improvement programmes throughout his career.

Matt firmly believes in the benefits that investing in new and existing homes can have in maximising the social value of our properties and how, in turn, this can positively impact the lives of residents and the local environment.

Matt has been a co-opted Board member at Bolton at Home since 2018, and became a full Board member in January 2020.