Preparing for a Bolton at Home property

If you're successful in bidding for a Bolton at Home property, you'll need to have the following documents ready otherwise the property may be passed onto the next person on the waiting list:

Advanced rent

At sign up, you'll need either the first week or month's rent depending on the agreed frequency of payments.

A valid bank account

Rent must be paid by Direct Debit or Standing Order.

If you don't have a bank account, please contact our Money Advice Team on 01204 328000 and we will assist you. You can also email

A completed budget planner

Showing your income and expenditure.

You can download a template on this page.

Proof of income for anyone over 16 living in the property

Bank statements, wage slips, and/or all benefit entitlement.

Two forms of identification for anyone over 18 living in the property

This must include photographic identification.

Two references

One from your current landlord and one from your current employer.

Both references must be on letter headed paper.

You can download templates for both of these references on this page.

Proof of immigration status

If applicable, all household passports and immigration papers.

Support services

The names and details of any support services that you're currently engaged with.