What do staff in our Homefinder Services Team do?

The Homefinder Service delivers the Housing Allocations function of Bolton at Home properties across Bolton as well as providing housing and tenancy advice to our customers.

The Homefinder Service is responsible for:

You can also find more information on these pages about:

More tenancy info

Once you've signed up to your tenancy we'll provide you with a sign up pack which includes information to support you with your tenancy. Contact us for details.

Pet guide

The cover of our Pet guide for customers

Whether you’re a new tenant or have been with us a while, this guide will be useful if you’re thinking of getting a pet, already have pets, or are experiencing issues with a neighbour’s pet(s).

You can download our Pet Guide by tapping here: Pet-Guide-for-Customers-Updated-11-03-2024-[pdf]-703KB

Need help to furnish your home?

If you need any help to furnish your new home, we can offer support with a range of furniture options – these include:

  • Access to a range of low cost reused furniture items from our ‘Partners’
  • Furniture loan from HOOT Credit Union
  • Local Welfare Provision

For more details contact your housing officer through your local neighbourhood office or UCAN centre.

Download our furniture support leaflet here: Emmaus-leaflet-[pdf]-651KB

Furnished tenancies that are coming to an end: answers to frequently asked questions here:  furnished-tenancies-FAQ-[pdf]-270KB

What are CORE Logs?

CORE (COntinuous REcording) is a national information source funded by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) which records information on the characteristics of both Private Registered Providers’ and Local Authorities’ new social housing tenants and the homes they rent and buy. Any Provider registered with the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) is required to complete CORE logs.

A CORE log is completed with our customers as part of the sign up process.  The CORE log covers information including let type, household characteristics, source of referral, previous tenure and details relating to housing costs.

Please click here for further information on CORE logs.

All information recorded on CORE logs is subject to the data sharing and privacy legislation outlined in GDPR. A copy of the privacy notice outlining further details is attached.
