Animated header text reading 'Cost of living support'

Did you know we do way more than just housing? We also offer support, advice, and activities if you need help with food and energy costs + more.

Visit our hub for money/energy advice, affordable recipes, social activities nearby, food pantries, healthy home living, digital and employment support, and more.

Welcome to Bolton at Home

We manage and maintain around 19,000 properties.

As well as providing homes, we offer a range of other services. These are available to our tenants, and some are open to other residents living in our communities. You can tap here to learn more about us.

On our site you can contact us, report a repair, pay your rent, learn how to apply for a home, get help and support, and more.

You can scroll down to see our main contact details, or tap here to see all our contact details on our main Contact us page.

Latest news and updates from us

  1. See the activities we've planned for Easter (2025)

    Looking for free activities for you and yours to get involved with as we approach the Easter holidays in 2025? We've got you covered. 

    Here's a full list of all the events we've organised or are involved with this year. They're all free, and there's no need to book in advance. We'd love to see you there.

    11 Mar 2025 12:00
  2. Changes to our social media platforms

    We want to update you on some changes we’re making to our Bolton at Home social media channels. 

    From 1 April, we’ll no longer be using our corporate account (@boltonathome) on the X social media platform (formerly known as Twitter) to communicate with customers.

    We’re also launching an Instagram account in April. 

    Read on to find out more, including the best ways to contact us.

    10 Mar 2025 18:00
  3. Here's how to tell us (and others) about different antisocial behaviour issues

    Read on for a deeper look at some antisocial behaviour issues and how to report them.

    We're posting messages like this one to cut through some of the complexities of neighbourhood safety work, with refreshers on types of antisocial behaviour that we can help with, reporting procedures, and an understanding of how we address issues and can support one another.

    10 Mar 2025 10:00
  4. Cleaner, greener estates following three days of litter picks

    A huge thank you goes to all the residents and volunteers who got involved in our community litter picks. 

    These were done over three days in three areas around Farnworth and Little Lever with over 82 bags of litter collected and 23 skips filled. Read on for details.

    06 Mar 2025 08:00
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Get in touch

Call us

01204 328000
8am to 5.30pm Mon - Fri

You can still report emergency repairs while we’re closed using our out of hours phoneline, which you can call using the same number.

Use our webchat

Our staff are here to help from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday if you need us- and you can send your messages in another language thanks to our built-in translation feature.

Just tap the ‘Chat with us’ button at the bottom of your screen and we’ll be with you as soon as possible.

Email us*

*Please note: we ask that you report all repairs over the phone as we may need to take information from you, and/or confirm an appointment. To speak with a member of our team please call 01204 328000.

For all other queries please provide your name, address, and contact number along with a brief summary of your query. This will help us to resolve your enquiry or signpost to the relevant team.

Message us on Facebook

Available 8am to 5.30pm, Mon - Fri
Click here to message us on Facebook (opens in a new tab)

Visit our Valley House reception (open Monday to Thursday)

98 Waters Meeting Road
8.45am to 4pm, Monday - Thursday