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Introducing our Resident Voices Channel
Complete online surveys, improve services, and get rewarded. Say hello to our Resident Voices Channel.
Give your opinion to improve the services you get from us, suggest new ideas, and get free high street shopping vouchers.
Be part of Resident Voices Channel (RVC) and share your thoughts to help us deliver a better service for your community.
You’ll need to have access to the internet and use email to join the RVC as all activity is happening online. We’re sorry there isn’t currently another way to take part if you don’t use the internet or email- but we may develop other ways of taking part in the future.
Being part of the RVC won’t require much of your time but it will give you the power to make an impact and reward you with points each time you take part that build-up to high street shopping vouchers.
Introducing our Resident Voices Channel pt.2
As an active member of Resident Voices Channel, you’ll:
- play a role in how we plan and deliver services
- share your ideas on how we can best support people living in our neighbourhoods
- receive points for completed surveys that are converted into high street shopping vouchers
Resident Voices Channel is open to you if you’re:
- a Bolton at Home tenant or living in a Bolton at Home property
- living in a property that used to be owned by Bolton at Home or Bolton Council
- living in a shared ownership property owned in part by Bolton at Home
- a current customer of Bolton at Home services (such as Careline)
- a regular user of services provided by our UCAN centres
Influence your area and receive vouchers– all without leaving your home and at a time that suits you.
Interested? Scroll down to learn a little more and see how to register for Resident Voices Channel.
What Resident Voices Channel members say:
Scroll or swipe to see members' feedback:

Abdulla said:
"We get a chance to participate in surveys that let us express our views on Bolton at Home's services. I think it's a vital communication tool and it helps to raise any concerns/feedback via the surveys we're asked to complete.
"One of the most recent surveys I completed was on cost of living support, and I thought this was very well designed."

Andy said:
"I joined Voices just over 18 months ago because it seemed like a very good idea- and this isn't something I've seen or heard of before. It's giving people a voice- whether it's to offer ideas, possible solutions, or just to comment on things that matter.
"I've found it not only helpful, but informative as well. I'm quite looking forward to the next survey to see what crops up!"

Kirsty said:
"My most recent survey was around a month ago and it only took me about a minute or two to complete.
"So far, I've received a total of £60 in Love2Shop vouchers and it was fantastic to be able to put this towards my Christmas shopping!
"I've even encouraged one of my friends to sign up!"

Farhana said:
"I joined Voices after first reading about it on the Bolton at Home website about 18 months ago, and the survey I remember completing most recently was about work being done to properties outside and how best to complete it with minimal disruption.
"Thanks for sending me £35 Love2Shop vouchers. I'm looking forward to getting involved in whatever comes next!"

Theresa said:
"I'm enjoying being able to have an influence in community decisions.
"I became a member so I had a platform to speak about what is important to me. For example, encouraging residents to take ownership of their local environment."

Mandy said:
"My partner recommended I become part of the Resident Voices Channel.
"I've now been a member for about eight months, and I'm enjoying it because I feel like my opinions matter and can make a difference to the place I live"
How it works
How it works:
We'll send you surveys to complete online and get other opportunities to tell us what you think. You’ll receive points for each activity, which you can build-up and convert into high street shopping vouchers each year– helping your community and yourself.
We might expand the ways to be involved in the RVC and also the range of benefits from being a member. We'll let you know in advance if this happens.
How to register
How to register:
Click here if you’d like to join our Resident Voices Channel.
Privacy notice
Resident Voices Channel privacy notice:
By registering your interest in the Resident Voices Channel (RVC) initiative, you’re giving Bolton at Home consent to use your email address to communicate with you about the RVC opportunity and registration process.
The information you provide will be securely stored and will only be used for the following purposes:
Registering you as a Bolton at Home RVC member.
Emailing you regarding feedback surveys, consultation opportunities and updates regarding work the Bolton at Home RVC Group has completed and how your collective feedback has been used to shape our services.
Emailing you with updates regarding points received and to issue yearly rewards earned from reward points you have accumulated.
Should you change your mind about registering to join Bolton at Home RVC, you’re able to opt out by emailing RVC@boltonathome.org.uk.
Please note that Bolton at Home have a wider corporate privacy notice available on our website here: www.boltonathome.org.uk/data-protection.
If you have any questions about how Bolton at Home process your personal data more generally, or would otherwise like to exercise your rights (such as making a subject access request) in respect of the personal data that Bolton at Home are processing, you can contact our Information Governance Team by emailing IG@boltonathome.org.uk. Any individuals dissatisfied with the processing of their personal data by Bolton at Home have a right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office by writing to: Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF or casework@ico.org.uk.