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Antisocial behaviour: supporting you and sharing some of our facts, figures, and costs

Antisocial behaviour: supporting you and sharing some of our facts, figures, and costs

We care about people and work to address the impact of antisocial behaviour on individuals and communities, so people feel safe, respected, and heard, and get peace of mind in time.

Colleagues in our Neighbourhood Safety and Enforcement Service assess the circumstances involved, case by case, and we’ll offer extra support where needed, which might be from another one of our support services or a referral to a specialist service that we work with. You can also access our Victims Champions support service for additional assistance. 

  • Your wellbeing is our priority and we’re here to provide the help you need during challenging times.
  • In cases where your safety is a concern, we fund ‘target hardening’ measures such as enhanced security features at your home.

We know better than most that antisocial behaviour can affect mental and physical health. Rest assured that as a Bolton at Home tenant, the costs associated with our antisocial behaviour support services are covered by your rent.

We want to be open with you, so we thought we’d share some facts and figures for extra insight:

  • We typically handle 3,000 to 3,500 reports annually (the most frequent reports are noise nuisance or untidy gardens), and we resolve the majority through early interventions. That leaves us carrying around 400 to 450 cases at any one time.
  • For cases requiring legal action, costs to us can vary depending on what’s involved. Opening a new case can cost around £500 and if it was to progress all the way to a possession claim with significant legal work involved in the process, costs for that can vary from £5,000 to over £20,000 per case (you’ll find a full breakdown of costs for different case types on our webpage: under the ‘Do I have to pay for support with antisocial behaviour?’ tab).

Legal action is a last resort, and not because of the money involved. We want to resolve issues before they escalate to going to court, ensuring that every possible measure is taken to prevent tenants from losing their home and encouraging them to change their behaviour to stop a cycle repeating elsewhere. 

If you’re experiencing any issues with antisocial behaviour, or have any concerns about how we’re dealing with these issues, please phone us on 01204 328000, email us at, or get more info at You can also watch this video from John Molloy, our Head of Neighbourhood Safety and Enforcement to learn more about how we'll respond to reports of antisocial behaviour:

We've been sharing messages like this one to cut through some of the complexities of neighbourhood safety work, with refreshers on types of antisocial behaviour that we can help with, reporting procedures, and an understanding of how we address issues and can support one another.