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Understanding acts of antisocial behaviour and our commitments

Understanding acts of antisocial behaviour and our commitments

We're sharing messages like this one to cut through some of the complexities of neighbourhood safety work, with refreshers on types of antisocial behaviour that we can help with, reporting procedures, and an understanding of how we address issues and can support one another.

This week: here are our commitments if you’re experiencing antisocial behaviour:

  1. Thorough assessment: we record, assess, and prioritise every report as appropriate.
  2. Support: if you’ve been impacted or targeted, we’ll support and update you on our investigations.
  3. Effective measures: we’ll take appropriate action against perpetrators to resolve issues.
  4. Partnership working: where required, we’ll team-up with other organisational partners or service specialists to address the antisocial behaviour.

Here's what we count and will respond to as antisocial behaviour according to how it’s defined under section 2 of the Antisocial Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014:

  • Noise nuisance (beyond reasonable household noise).
  • Physical assault and violent behaviour.
  • Harassing and intimidating people.
  • Verbal abuse and aggressive behaviour.
  • Threats of violence.
  • Criminal damage and vandalism.
  • Hate behaviour.
  • Domestic abuse.

And here's what we count and will respond to as a tenancy breach:

  • Untidy gardens and environmental hazards.
  • Problems caused by animals, such as fouling, uncontrolled behaviour or persistent barking. 
  • Property condition failing to meet the minimum standard.
  • Alterations to property without permission creating a risk.
  • Refusing access for a property inspection or essential safety works. 
  • Tenancy or property fraud.
  • Damage or misuse of property creating risk (meter tampering, hoarding, etc).

We don’t consider and wouldn’t investigate the following as antisocial behaviour: 

  • Dog barking that’s not continuous or happening regularly.
  • Cooking smells.
  • A one-off party, such as a birthday celebration. 
  • Children playing.
  • A baby crying. 
  • People doing DIY at a reasonable time of day.
  • Noise from medical equipment. 
  • Online bullying. 
  • Disputes over social media.
  • Parking disputes or civil disputes with neighbours. 

If you’re experiencing any issues with antisocial behaviour, or have any concerns about how we’re dealing with these issues, please phone us on 01204 328000, email us at, or get more info at

You can also watch this video from John Molloy, our Head of Neighbourhood Safety and Enforcement to learn more: