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What is affordable rent?

Affordable rent is rent that is set at up to 80% of the local market rent rate. Here are some of our most recent new build developments containing homes let at affordable rent rates.

As with our other properties, you need to register and express your interest for most of our affordable rent homes. For more information on applying for a home (including new build properties), click here.

Some of these developments of affordable rent homes also include properties available for Rent to Buy and Shared Ownership. To learn more about other tenures, tap here.

Affordable rent new build developments in Bolton

Map/location icon Affordable rent new build developments in Bolton

Tap on the tabs below to see some of our most recent new build developments in Bolton (including Westhoughton, Horwich, Farnworth, and Kearsley) that include homes for affordable rent. Please note that some developments may include a mixture of tenures, like Rent to Buy and Shared Ownership.

You can also tap here to see new build affordable rent properties outside of Bolton.

Lever Gardens Court (Extra Care)

Lever Gardens Court reception

Lever Gardens Court bistro

Lever Gardens Court patio doors

Lever Gardens Court kitchen

Lever Gardens Court bathroom

A development of 68 properties with 62 for Social Rent and 6 for Affordable Rent in Little Lever in partnership with Caddick Construction.

Please note that this is an Extra Care scheme for anyone aged over 55 who needs support or care to live independently.

Social Rent Homes:

53 x 1 bedroom flats and 9 x 2 bedroom flats

Affordable Rent Homes:

6 x 2 bedroom bungalows

More information about Lever Gardens Court can be found here

If you'd like more information on Extra Care schemes like this one, tap here:

St Osmunds, Breightmet

St Osmunds stakeholders on site

A development of 40 properties with 32 for Affordable Rent and 8 Right to Buy close to Leverhulme Park in partnership with McCauls.

Affordable Rent Homes:

18 x 1 bedroom flat, 6 x 2 bed flat and 8 x 3 bed house

Rent to Buy Homes:

5 x 2 bed house and 3 x 3 bed house

Rivington Chase, Horwich (coming 2025)

A development of 53 properties with 44 for Affordable Rent and 9 Shared Ownership

Affordable Rent                

4 x 3 bedroom house, 5 x 4 bedroom house, 16 x 1 bedroom flat, 19 x 2 bedroom flat

Shared Ownership          

4 x 2 bedroom house, 5 x 3 bedroom house

Moor Lane, Bolton Town Centre

A development of 82 properties on the site of the former Bolton bus station in partnership with First Step Group Ltd.

Moor Lane CGI Moor Lane CGI Moor Lane CGI

Avenue Street, Bolton

Avenue St first site meeting

A development of 44 properties with 30 for Affordable Rent and 14 for Rent to Buy close to Bolton Rugby Club in partnership with Tyson Construction

Affordable Rent                

2 x 2 bedroom house, 8 x 3 bedroom house, 4 x 4 bedroom house, 16 x 1 bedroom flat

Rent to Buy                        

8 x 2 bedroom house, 6 x 3 bedroom house

Garnet Fold, Bolton (all Shared Ownership homes now reserved)

Garnet Fold property

A development of 6 properties with 4 for Affordable Rent and 2 for Shared Ownership at the top of St Helen’s Road in partnership with Northstone.

Bluebell Walk, Westhoughton (coming 2025)

A development of 50 properties with 44 for Affordable Rent and 6 for Shared Ownership situated between Bolton and Wigan in partnership with Persimmon Homes.

Lilibet Gardens, Westhoughton

A development of 42 properties with 31 for Affordable Rent and 11 for Shared Ownership situated between Bolton and Wigan in partnership with Ashberry Homes (Bellway).

Affordable rent new build developments outside of Bolton

Map/location icon Affordable rent new build developments outside of Bolton

Tap on the tabs below to see some of our most recent new build developments outside of Bolton that include homes for affordable rent. Please note that some developments may include a mixture of tenures, like Rent to Buy and Shared Ownership.

You can also tap here to see new build affordable rent properties in Bolton.

Kings Lea, Cottam (all Shared Ownership homes now reserved)

A development of 36 properties with 25 for Affordable Rent and 11 for Shared Ownership on the outskirts of Preston in partnership with Morris Homes.

St Mary’s Park, Penwortham (all Shared Ownership homes now reserved)

Front of house

External 2 bed houses

A development of 28 properties with 20 for Affordable Rent and 8 for Shared Ownership just 10 minutes away from Preston in partnership with Morris Homes.