Meet our Scrutiny Panel

Derek Johnson

Derek Johnson

How long have you been a Bolton at Home tenant, and how long have you been part of the Scrutiny Panel?
I have been a tenant over 11 years and joined Scrutiny panel mid 2022. 

What part of Bolton do you live in?
I live in Breightmet, but have previously lived in Great Lever

Why did you join our Scrutiny panel? What do you like about it? (Eg what do you gain/have you gained from being involved?)
The ability to pass on my own, and others' views.

Could you tell us an interesting fact about yourself?
I am ex Army (RCT Royal court of Transport).

I also survived stage 2 bowel cancer at 48 year old.

Do you have any hobbies? What do you do in your free time?
I enjoy crafting in my spare time.

I also do a lot of volunteering with Bolton Guild of Help, Bolton Carers, Withins Action Group (WAG) & Bowel Cancer UK.

David Caulfield

david caulfield How long have you been a Bolton at Home tenant, and how long have you been part of the Scrutiny Panel?
I have been a Bolton at Home tenant for 30 years, I joined Customer Scrutiny Panel in May 2024.

What part of Bolton do you live in?

Why did you join our Scrutiny panel? What do you like about it? (Eg what do you gain/have you gained from being involved?)
I wanted to learn more about Bolton at Home’s plans for the future. I like to help other residents.

Could you tell us an interesting fact about yourself?
I teach adults with learning disabilities to do arts, crafts & woodwork

Do you have any hobbies? What do you do in your free time?
Gardening, woodwork, arts and crafts. I can usually be found on Willow Hey!

Lisa Coates

How long have you been a Bolton at Home tenant, and how long have you been part of the Scrutiny Panel?
I have been a Bolton at Home tenant for 29 years, I joined Customer Scrutiny Panel in May 2024.

What part of Bolton do you live in?

Why did you join our Scrutiny panel? What do you like about it? (Eg what do you gain/have you gained from being involved?)
I volunteer for a community group and heard about it through Bolton at Home staff. I have had a lot of good experiences with Bolton at Home as a tenant and I like to support other tenants with the information I learn on Scrutiny.

Could you tell us an interesting fact about yourself?
I trained as a funeral assistant.

Do you have any hobbies? What do you do in your free time?
Women of Willow Hey, reading biographies and fiction.  

Carl Whittaker

Carl Whittaker

How long have you been a Bolton at Home tenant, and how long have you been part of the Scrutiny Panel?
I have been a tenant for 13 years and joined Scrutiny in early 2023.

What part of Bolton do you live in? 
I live in Horwich and was brought up in Daubhill.

Why did you join our Scrutiny panel? What do you like about it? (Eg what do you gain/have you gained from being involved?)
I joined because I found it interesting to get to know more about Bolton at Home. Had many more insights into what is going on in Bolton and through Bolton at Home. It has opened my eyes into all the work that goes on across Bolton for tenants and communities. Its good to see behind the scenes.

Could you tell us an interesting fact about yourself?
I met Princess Ann when I was 16 years old, working at a textile mill in Bolton. I used to be the senior manager for a large American insurance company.

Do you have any hobbies? What do you do in your free time?
I enjoy spending time with my great grandchildren. I have also been the Vice Chair for the Seniors in Partnership group for around 5 years.

Dawn Exley

Dawn Exley

How long have you been a Bolton at Home tenant, and how long have you been part of the Scrutiny Panel?
I have been a tenant for 22 years and part of the Scrutiny Panel since mid 2022. 

What part of Bolton do you live in? 

Why did you join our Scrutiny panel? What do you like about it? (Eg what do you gain/have you gained from being involved?)
I joined the panel to make a difference and feel heard. I have met so many new people and learnt loads, technical terms, legal jargon. I have enjoyed learning how Bolton at Home is run.

Could you tell us an interesting fact about yourself?
I am animal mad, I have too many to count.

Do you have any hobbies? What do you do in your free time?
I enjoy swimming, caring for and riding horses and socialising.

Leah Walters

Leah Walters

How long have you been a Bolton at Home tenant, and how long have you been part of the Scrutiny Panel?
I have been a Bolton at Home tenant for eight and a half years and joined Scrutiny in early 2023. 

What part of Bolton do you live in? 

Why did you join our Scrutiny panel? What do you like about it? (Eg what do you gain/have you gained from being involved?)
To find out more and be involved. I like finding out what goes into shaping all the services that Bolton at Home provide and how they work.

I have gained more understanding and confidence that we are working towards an accessible society.

Could you tell us an interesting fact about yourself?
I am a trekkie!

Do you have any hobbies? What do you do in your free time?
I foster dogs for a charity. I enjoy spending time with friends, reading and doing adapted crochet.

Joan Manville

Joan Manville

How long have you been a Bolton at Home tenant, and how long have you been part of the Scrutiny Panel?
I have been a tenant just over 4 and a half years and joined Scrutiny mid 2022.

What part of Bolton do you live in? 
I live in Harwood

Why did you join our Scrutiny panel? What do you like about it? (Eg what do you gain/have you gained from being involved?)
I was interested to find out more about Bolton at Home and how it works.

It has been very interesting and I have learnt a lot. I also wanted to contribute and represent my community.

Could you tell us an interesting fact about yourself?
I was a relationship counsellor & tutor for over 30 years.

I was also the registrar for Fred Dibnah’s marriage.

Do you have any hobbies? What do you do in your free time?
I am a school governor. I enjoy cooking. I am the secretary of Longsight Lodge Residents Association.

I also enjoy bee keeping.

Shaun Matthews

Shaun Matthews

How long have you been a Bolton at Home tenant, and how long have you been part of the Scrutiny Panel?
I have been a tenant for nine years and joined scrutiny in August 2022.

What part of Bolton do you live in? 
Great Lever

Why did you join our Scrutiny panel? What do you like about it? (Eg what do you gain/have you gained from being involved?)
I joined because it was a great opportunity to get involved and understand how Bolton at Home work. I wanted to improve things for all residents. I have met people from all different areas of Bolton. We work well together and are a good team. We all help each other and it’s a pleasure to be involved.

Could you tell us an interesting fact about yourself?
I keep pet Chinchillas

Do you have any hobbies? What do you do in your free time?
I enjoy giving back to the community and as a result I am involved with six or seven groups. I also make jewellery.